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Experience compassionate healing with First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® fern essences, offered by Natural Support for Grief and Loss. These pure plant energy drops gently support you through the grief process, harnessing the natural power of sunlight, pure water, and specific New Zealand ferns. Designed to restore harmony and balance, these essences gently wash away trauma at an energetic level.


Following an email-based consultation, you will recieve a personalized First Light blend to support you through the grieving process. Postage and nationwide delivery fee included. 


There will be no need to relive any trauma when using our services or products. You are 100% in control of how much (or little) you tell Claire about why you would like a blend to support you through grief and loss. If you don't want to relive your experiences through a lengthy or detailed email to Claire - simply write something like - "I would like to try a flower essence for grief." Claire can take things from there without requiring any further information from you. 


Price includes one email consultation and one flower essence blend shipped to you.


Prices are in New Zealand dollars.


Pay online with PayPal or email Claire to arrange a New Zealand online banking payment.

One email consultation for a grief and loss flower essence blend

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